Monday, October 14, 2024

Rose-Colored Fall Glasses

Ladies, you can identify with this. How come when we come out of church and shop in a grocery store while we're looking our finest... we never run into people we know? But when my hair's pulled back and I'm in sweats or T-shirt, I run into all kinds of people?! 

It's Ladies' Murphy's Law.

Tonight I was excited that after I had my hair appointment with just a roots touch-up but prize-winning hair style, I was lucky enough to run into a friend on the way out of the salon and one at the gas station. I just said, "Tell your friends I had great hair!"

And I'm sure I did.

But then, after running a few errands on my way home in HOPES of running into someone I knew, I encountered some unusual fall colors. The sunset was awesome, but my destination to the east was showing incredible and unique "October is Pink Month" colors.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say "rose-colored glasses" were a real thing. I detoured into the parking lot of a golf course and got these shots...

Facing the sunset in the west to start with..

And now facing east!

So amazing! All I know it it's a reminder to Think Pink and support those with breast cancer – or any type of cancer – this month and always. Thank you!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Flying Season

It so cold, windy, and rainy today, it felt like the scene from a scary Halloween movie. Though, with gas prices inching back up, I feel like I could have had good gas mileage if I'd ridden a broom to church.

I know we need the rain. But combined with chill and wind, it was not a day to be out and about. In other words, I had to postpone a senior photo shoot. No one wants to be out in a "real feel 39 degrees" kind of day and actually smile.

So we spent the day indoors. I whipped up some cheese stuffed tortellini chili in the crockpot and did some cleaning. Vikings were on bye so I had a much more productive Sunday than usual. Even got a call from our baby so day was made!

I know it's not even 9 o'clock but it's dark and my side of the bed is fully heated and waiting for me. I might have to dive into my Halloween romance book (it's a thing, I think) called Hex and the City. I'll let you know if it's worth the ride, er read!

Hang onto your hat – and broomstick – and be careful out there!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Pretty ... as in Pretty Cold

It was a pretty day to go golfing. But it was pretty cold. Like very cold. Like all of us were wearing long pants and jackets cold.

My friend Christine and I (and her niece and boyfriend) were a foursome for the Big Cup tournament at TriCity.

And by Big Cups, I mean we could putt all four of our balls into the hole. If we were that good. Ha.

Thankfully, it was a scramble and we had fun. Somehow managed to stay warm enough and beat the rain by 5 minutes. I guess it was more of a sprinkle. But we were glad to be done. Pretty sure we didn't win any prizes with our over-par score. But that's fine, too. I can go a day without winning something!

Tonight I labeled the last of my raffle baskets and did some hooking, er crocheting, while watching a Hallmark movie. A fall one, not Christmas. I gotta clear my DVR before I get onto the red-and-green Northern Lights-inspired ones!

But even without the brilliant colors, Mother Nature continues to impress and inspire me.

Hope you found something positive today, too!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Lucky Are We

Feeling fortunate as we end the week. A full but good Thursday and Friday.

After work, our Marketing Department got to have a little gathering at SentryWorld to celebrate 100% by our team in the recent United Way campaign. It looked like a gorgeous fall day to be out golfing. Unfortunately, the course is closed for the season. And double-unfortunately, I didn't have my clubs in the car anyway.

I was lucky, though, when it came to door prizes. Keeping my winning streak alive and got my name drawn. I picked out a little travel fan since I need "white noise" in order to sleep and I have a big trip coming up.

From there, I headed to Assumption High School for the volleyball "Pink Out" night to raise money for a 9-year-old boy named Braxton. He inspired us all to meet diversity head on and still smile.

Since the Volley for a Cause covered any type of cancer, I put my friend Jeannie's name on one ribbon (Praying for you, girl!!).

And my cousin Jeff's name on another. He just died of cancer and was laid to rest in northern Minnesota today. 

There was a lot of support and a great crowd. And opportunities to "donate" through bake sale purchases and raffle baskets.

Guess who won another basket? Yup, this lucky girl! Another one I can take up to the benefit.

And to cap off our luck, we got to see the glorious Northern Lights again from our front yard. It went from pink and green to definite red and green tones. Guessing it's a sign I should watch some Hallmark Christmas movies this weekend!

Today, I was lucky to have a half day off. Mainly because this tree outside my office window was coming down – not sure why other than it's ugly – and there was going to be a lot of noise.

Here is the tree removal tree-oh figuring out the lift situation.

Good neighbor Mike went up the lift since he is the best chain-sawer. And apparently isn't afraid of heights.

Notice he is safely strapped into the bucket.

Just too high for me!

Jim and other helper would pile up limbs as they fell. They had a good system so that no one got hurt.

I was concerned at this stage though. I came outside and hoped they measured correctly so the final trunk wouldn't fall and hit hubby.


Whew! Lucky! Why would I doubt them?! Thanks for all the help and hard work, guys! Glad I could celebrate with an hour-long deep-tissue massage this afternoon. Hey, it was previously planned before I knew anything about sweating lumberjacks in the front yard.

This eveing, we headed to the Homecoming football game. We lost by a ton to Auburndale. But there was a great halftime show with all the bands and even choir members leading grade school kids in some ribbon dancing to Jimmy Buffet's Cheeseburger in Paradise. Fun.

Hoping our luck continues as we head into Saturday with a cross country meet and, you guessed it, a golf scramble! I'll keep you posted.

Have fun this weekend and appreciate your good fortune!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Happy Last Quarter

As we slide into the fourth quarter of 2024, I found this social media post today both interesting and inspiring. Maybe there was something you wanted to accomplish this year but you didn't get around to it or just weren't motivated to do it.

It's not too late.

There are 84 days left. That's 84 opportunities for you to try something new, change direction with something old, or just be grateful for what you have and where you're at.

84 days can feel like a lifetime – if you're laid up in a hospital somewhere fighting for your life. 84 days is an even shorter time span than my sister Rachel was in the hospital after her serious car accident. I sometimes forget how much she missed in her 91 days of "residency" in the second quarter of 2024.

She was thrilled the other night when I sent a picture of the Northern Lights from our front yard, that she could get outside and also see them from her yard up in Luck. While everyone from here to Texas saw the pretty greens and pinks early this summer, she was still recovering and missed it. I forgot about that.

But God didn't. He definitely was proving there are still things she can see, enjoy, and do in this final quarter of the year.

So take advantage of 84 days of new beginnings, of opportunities to show gratitude and be kind, and create a few more moments that matter. 

I'm on your side!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Don't Judge a Trifle By its Layers

By the grace of ReddiWip in a spray can, I was able to salvage my dessert that just last night was one layer short of a trifle.

As I mentioned yesterday, with the distraction of our sweet grand-pup Rey, I put my last 2 layers in the wrong order. But as predicted, it didn't matter. I've never made this the same way twice anyway – whether it's the ingredients or the order of layers – so this was today's Pumpkin Spice Trifle. 

The bottom was cubed up frosted pumpkin bars. So good on their own! Next layer is the game changer.

Instead of pumpkin or vanilla pudding, add Cinnabon Pudding. The creamy cinnamon brings out the spice! Also yummy on its own. I topped that with a thin layer of whipped cream then added the crunchy layer...

Put a row in a Ziploc bag and go to work with your rolling pin! I nicely crushed crunchy layer.

I meant to repeat those layers but forgot the crunch layer BEFORE that final whipped cream layer, so I added that at the end. Wasn't a complete fan of that, so this morning – thanks to a back-up can of ReddiWhip, I added another thin layer on top with some Halloween sprinkles.

Whew. I could leave the house with my Trifle Queen dignity intact!

And yes, we all know it's only pretty until the first scoop anyway, but still. Ha. And it was tasty! The birthday girl liked it. And definitely no one complained. And it went fast, as usual. I brought home the bowl with a small serving left in case hubby wants it. 

If not, I'll take it. Or just lick the bowl. It was that good. 

Give it a try. Keep in mind that some of these layers are seasonal. If you want to use those P.S. Oreo's, you'll have to get them soon. Also, the only place I've found the Cinnabon Pudding is in the snack pack area at Walmart, but it might be in other stores, too.

Or if you want ME to make it... Plan the party and save me a seat! 🎃

Monday, October 7, 2024

Chillin' Out on Monday

When the "wake up and crawl out from under the covers" temperature is technically below freezing, it's time to make a power move.

I walked down the hall and turned on that heat again with no one the wiser. Well, until you could hear the air vents anyway. My promise to the man in the office on the other side of the wall was that I'd shut it off as soon as the house warmed up.

Fast forward to 4 p.m. when I remembered that. At least I was cozy to in my office today – assisted by hot Pumpkin Spice coffee, naturally. 

I also warmed up because we got special visitors after work that washed away all Monday stress-itude. (Not a real word, I know.)

Casey and Emily were visiting from Minnesota and we were excited to see them. But we also were super-duper excited to see our grandpup Rey, who we hadn't seen since their wedding a year ago!!

She was my little helper in the kitchen. I was trying to teach her how to make a trifle, but she was so cute and distracting, I actually forgot a layer and it's not symmetrically pretty. I'll share the images and recipes for my Trifle Tuesday blog tomorrow – if it gets positive reviews. 

I mean it's Pumpkin Spice Trifle so I know at least the birthday girl and I will enjoy it! 

The four of us humans went out to grab a quick bite to eat. It had been awhile since we ate at Tamarack's Pub (formerly Cheers, formerly 19th Hole, and who knows what else), but since it was close to home, we went there so Rey wouldn't be alone too long. We weren't sure if she'd invite the guys in the neighborhood over for a party. But Charlie and Buddy stayed home. As far as we know.

Had a delicious meal and it was great to catch up – much easier to talk across a table then down a row at Target Field. We love having them close by again. And Rey, too, of course! 

She's a big sweetie. And no, I didn't give in to her begging brown eyes. Though Grandma Robyn may have let her lick the Cool Whip-covered spatula! 

Spoil while you can!