Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bright Spots

They say the sun is the center of the Solar System. In our world, the son is the center of our Universe. Even on cloudy days, he provides a bright spot in our lives...

Daddy was giving me some grief last night because Carter said something funny and I hadn't written about it in my blog. "What? I thought you put everything cute Carter does in there!" Apparently, I've been neglecting to feed your Carter need. So here is a blog all about Carter (which is really not that different from any other day, in my opinion)....

Caller I.D.: Carter has this need to be the first to check for phone messages when we get home. If there are no voice mails, he still checks the Caller I.D. to see if anyone called. I don't know who he's expecting (and I don't want to know). The other night he said, "No messages, but Office Show called." Who? "Office Show." Daddy grabs the phone and says, "It says Show Office!" Carter replies, "Well I thought there was a comma!" So I guess if Grandpa calls it says "Austin, John" so when some Show Office calls (we still don't know who it was), he just read it as, "Show, Office" and transposed the words. I know it's not really funny, but for some reason, that just struck me as funny and I got the giggles, big time. Just one of those "kid logic" things!

All Grown Up & No Place to Go: Got Carter's new school pictures back (above). No, these aren't his senior pictures, but he sure looks grown up! He said he doesn't like them because his teeth aren't showing. I said I like them because they seem like his natural smile (or smirk, if you will) when he is trying to hold back a laugh. He just looks like he's up to something, doesn't he?

Sound the Trumpets: Carter has been very diligent about practicing his trumpet. He doesn't have to be told and, on a few painful instances, has invited Mom or Dad to sit in and listen. (Daddy always volunteers me for some reason.) I was impressed -- but you know that happens a lot -- when he could play a song already after only 2 weeks into the program. We were going to call some family to hear it over the phone but then thought, why not put everyone through it -- I mean, let everyone enjoy it!

Adrian "All Day" Peterson: Do you like the shirt he's wearing in the video? I discovered that I (yes, just me) have been spoiling Carter too much when it comes to his admiration for the Vikings running back Adrian Peterson. This week, in anticipation to Monday's match-up, he has worn a different AP T-shirt each day and today wears the #28 jersey. Good thing there's no school tomorrow or I'd have to spoil him so more.

But he's worth it, don't ya think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Carter, you sound pretty good. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to hear what you have to play for Christmas. And I'm serious about that. And that's quite a smirk on your face. Cute pictures Carter. ♥ Auntie Lene