Friday, January 29, 2010

Full Moon Madness

In light of the full moon, we thought we'd do something wild and crazy tonight. So we went on a Fish Fry Friday "double date" with another couple and left all the kids at home with pizza. Living on the edge, I know!

I realize tonight's moon is called a Wolf moon but it seems we get together with this other couple only once in a Blue moon. Seriously, Halloween was the last time. Crazy when we live only 3 minutes from each other. But that's what happens with busy schedules -- both the adults' and the kids'.

Their daughter is just a year older than Carter but she "volunteered" to take charge of Carter and her two younger brothers. It all worked out. She said Carter handled the 9-year-old so she could play with the almost 3-year-old. "Let's do this again soon!" she said. Hey we're all for that. We went to Anchor Bay (definitely skipped the waiting outside on the patio like we did in the summer) and enjoyed some good fish and great conversation.

When we got home around 10, Carter and I grabbed his 2 telescopes and headed out to the front deck (also not as enjoyable as the summer). I read earlier today that tonight's full moon will be the biggest and brightest full moon of the year. It offers anyone with clear skies (like we have here) an opportunity to identify easy-to-see features on the moon -- even without a telescope.

Tonight it is apparently about 14 percent wider and 30 percent brighter than lesser full Moons of the year, according to It looked cool through the telescope. But cool is an understatement. Our fingers were chilled to the bone in a short time period, so we had to wimp it out and head indoors.

Star gazing is definitely a summer pastime, if you ask me. But we certainly would enjoy an evening like this again -- hopefully long before the next Wolf moon or Blue moon.

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