Friday, May 7, 2010

It's Snow Use

Thank goodness it was Friday today. I had a hard time getting back into the swing of things -- especially since I couldn't hit the snooze as many times as I wanted. I had to get to the chiropractor before work.

By the time we got to the office, I was pretty sure this (above) would be the perfect serving of caffeine for me today! Yes, I had my camera with when I went to Madison. You never know what you'll stumble upon (when you're NOT driving).

It was actually a quick day at work. Very busy and, with the weather turning crappy, no clock watching or longing to get out early to hit the golf course. It was raining all afternoon.

On the way home, we decided neither of us wanted to cook supper, so we called up our friends Mike and Christine and had them meet us out for supper at the Branding Iron (south of Rapids). We didn't have to cook and Carter, aka Mr. Ribs, was thrilled with his half rack. So everybody wins.

Got home and there was a message that the baseball scrimmage scheduled for tomorrow afternoon is canceled. Also, our nephew Colin's first race of the 2010 season was postponed. So 2 of our 3 outdoor sporting events for Saturday have been called off due to the weather. So far, soccer is on.

What could be inclement about rain? Oh, it's not just rain. We live in Wisconsin, after all. After supper, we all gathered back here at our house and watched the rain turn to snow. Yup, see for yourself.

Looks like this Mother's Day weekend might be a Mom's weekend after all... Mom can snuggle up under a blanket on the couch and watch a chick flick or two and get some reading done. If soccer is still on tomorrow, it will pretty much take me the rest of the day to thaw anyway!

Enjoy your Mother's Day weekend and stay warm!

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