We live just far enough out of town that we are occasionally treated to some wild life (I mean other than when any Hedbergs come to visit). For the past 3 nights we've seen anywhere from 1 to 3 fawns prancing around the yard and stopping to eat something yummy in our grass.
Last night Carter and I were both trying to snap pictures but it was just too dark. We couldn't get it to work and the aspiring photographers in us just about died when there were suddenly 3 of them in the back yard! Just couldn't get it to work. That happens.
We lucked out, though, and at least one Bambi returned to the scene of the crime, er delicious dinner, tonight. AND it was still light out. Yay for me! Here's few pictures.
Sylvester the Watch Cat is like: "Yo, there's something back there and it ain't your ordinary squirrel!" She quickly became quite bored watching someone else eat so she left her post.
He's cute, isn't he?
I'm partial to brown eyes!
I sneaked out onto the back deck to get a good shot. He was alert and seemed aware of my presence but didn't bolt.
We just want to know what tastes so good! Maybe the deer can scare those darn moles away!
"You lookin' at me?!"Yup. That's when he left us. Perhaps he was done with his side salad and went to get his friends for the main course. We'll see...
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