Friday, September 14, 2012

TGIFF (Thank God it's Football Friday)

Who says band isn't cool?? Carter got a chance to add some Pep to the Pep Band tonight when they performed pregame and halftime at a home football game versus Athens.

This was the first game I got a chance to attend. It wasn't pretty. We lost 49-zip. But it was nice to see a few people that it feels like I hadn't seen in ages. Guess this past month has been so busy it seems like months!

Jim had to go early to sell tickets at the entrance. I had to go straight from work to pick up Carter from cross country practice, then feed him, get him home to change and then back to the football field by 6:15. Our plan was to leave as soon as he got done playing at halftime because we have to get to bed early.

Carter's cross country bus leaves the school at 6 a.m. for a meet up in Wausau. I am especially excited about this one because I know parents/kids from at least 3 different schools competing. So hopefully I'll run into some of them in the mass of humanity that is the 36-school Smiley Invite. For sure I am meeting up with my high school BFF Julie, whose daughter is running for Oregon High (south of Madison). That will be great.

I better get to bed now. It's going to be a short night and long day tomorrow.


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