Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mind Over Matter -- When it Matters

Hubby and I don't exactly recall how we stumbled upon the quaint little village of Littleton, New Hampshire, on our recent trip. We know it was en route from Vermont to Boston, but can't recall if it was a pit stop, a gas stop or a wrong turn courtesy of "Jill," our persistent GPS!

Whatever the reason, we decided to park the car and check it out. I grabbed my camera for some photo ops and Jim grabbed his wallet in case we found a New Hampshire shot glass for his sister. (She's missing that one in her state collection).

We stopped in a little tourist trap shop first. While Jim searched for the perfect little gift (and he found it), I wandered about, too, eyeing the fudge behind the counter and checking out weird knick knacks I had no use for. Then I saw it. Gleaming before me like Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket.

The World's Longest Candy Counter.

I wasn't kidding! It had dozens and dozens of items to choose from. Everything from bubble gum cigars and gummy "fried eggs" to rootbeer barrels and maybe even the Everlasting Gobstopper! Whoa.

Although we weren't on a tight time schedule, I knew it was best not to spend the many, many, many minutes looking over the entire selection to find the perfect treat for my taste palate. Somehow I walked out of that store without so much as a gum drop.

How is it sometimes I can master that self-control, that elusive will power, and other times.... not so much?

I don't know if it was really mind over matter since I later helped my self to some sort of deep-fried fantasy at the Cheers bar. I also managed to hold off having ice cream the whole vacation until Ben & Jerry's after our tour. Of course, splitting a pint with hubby isn't exactly a healthy portion size either.

I kept telling myself: "This is vacation. Enjoy it. Don't worry about calories or exercise. Wear lose pants if you have to. Get back on track when you get back."

Well then sister weekend followed up shortly. I did go running on the day in between. But during our getaway, ice cream and chocolate and yes, even fudge, were on hand for those lacking will power or exercising any mind over matter. That was basically ALL of us!

Still, I again told myself: "This is girls' weekend. Enjoy it. Don't worry about calories or exercise. Wear lose pants if you have to. Get back on track when you get back."

Well I'm back but I still had to get through a fall festival potluck and party at work today. Now I have no excuses. And after seeing some unflattering (in my critical opinion) photos of myself, I really do have to get to get back on track. Back to my good routine of drinking water all the time, running some of the time and having treats only a little of the time.

I need to adopt the Littleton motto for pedestrian crossings:

I need to stop... look at my options for making a smart choice... and wave as I walk past that temptation.

Lord knows if I don't pay attention, I'm likely to get run over!

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