Thursday, December 6, 2012

Beats Me

Our workplace has invested in the health of its employees. Maybe just to minimize insurance claims and sick days, but still they do what they can to keep us thinking of healthy alternatives to, well, everything. That is why hubby and I are each saddled with a pedometer year-round. And why every Wednesday or Thursday, a massage therapist comes to the office to give chair massages for a reasonable fee.

That's my idea of a health kick!

While I enjoy the girl on Wednesdays (we talk a lot of scrapbooking), I love the alternate Thursdays when the man shows up. Kurt literally beats the crap, er knots, out of me and it's awesome! You know, when pain is good.

Today it was magical. I don't know what I do to get so wound up, but those two make enough progress in their beatings and kneadings that I can avoid going to the chiropractor as often. That's a win right there.

This week I think my sore muscles come from my competitive nature that has forced me (not really) to prove something (as usual). The fitness center is having a planking competition of sorts. They ask: How long can you plank? I was like, beats me, but I'll give it a shot.

If you are unfamiliar with a plank, you basically are in a position like you are going to do a push-up (there are no "girl" push-ups on the knees here) but you don't move. For this competition, we are resting on our elbows and holding the pose. Though the word resting is quite a misnomer. It is much more difficult than it sounds -- especially for those of us out of shape with a weak core (as in flabby belly). When I saw that someone already timed in over 6 minutes, I was going to pass on the "offer" to participate. But then one of the workers said, "Well we consider 'most improved,' too."

I took the bait.

So last Thursday, I gave it my first try. I unfortunately didn't jump into this until after my workout. So I really didn't have a store of energy waiting to be expended. While the sweat was dripping off my forehead, my arms quickly turned to rubber and I made it all of 1 minute, 8 seconds. Hold the applause.

While I told myself I would start working my core and do some planking on my own time, I did not find or make the time to do so. As a result, today, a week later, I was in no better shape than before. However, I remembered to record my efforts before a run this time. How did I do? Drum roll, please...

I doubled my time! 2 minutes, 15 seconds!

I admit I am pathetic, but if I keep up this pace, there is a chance I could beat that 6-minute record. All I have to do is keep doubling my time each week.


And I will need Kurt to beat me on a more regular basis. Not necessarily beat out the knots, but maybe beat some sense into me.

Do you think anyone is capable?

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