Saturday, April 27, 2013

Spring has Sprung (for Today at Least)

I certainly don't want to jinx it by saying it out loud, but I can't help but shout that spring has finally arrived in central Wisconsin!

Even if it was just for today, it was such a pleasure to enjoy blue skies, warm breezes, birds chirping and the house airing out with all windows open!

Our cat was going nuts running from window to window just to catch some of that rare and valuable fresh air. She wasn't the only one. I was opening them to let spring "in" and trying to figure out where to start first with spring cleaning.

Well, I can tell you I didn't get as far as I hoped. But I had some productive delays.

Made pancakes for brunch so we could try out a gift of Vermont maple syrup. Wow. We will never go back to boring name-brand syrup again! Did some grocery shopping, too, plus made bars for a prom party tonight and did my Saturday chores. As far as spring cleaning goes, I did get all the window screens cleaned but did not get all the windows done. Not too concerned since the next few days call for the same type of spring weather. Hurray!

This evening was our high school's prom. I picked up a friend and her son and we went to watch the Grand March since we had a friend's son in the running for king -- and he got it!! -- plus my "daughter" was on court and another friend's son was the "miniature" king. All in all, a pretty cool event.

Afterward, a handful of us freshmen parents got together. We figured we might as well have a "prom party" if everyone else is. Ours was pretty tame, though. But it was great to reconnect with old friends!

Now I better hit the hay so I have energy tomorrow for the rest of that spring cleaning!

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