Thursday, May 2, 2013

Balancing the Scales

If you are like me and you are your own worst critic, consider this:

This made me laugh today, but it also reminded me that probably for every negative thing I find about myself, there are two good ones that more than balance the scales. Yet, many days, I find it hard to believe.

I'm not saying men don't struggle with this on occasion, but we women have this negative self-esteem bull-poop down to a science. I admire the women who don't suffer like some of us do. You have accepted 100% who you are and you go with it.

I'm getting better, at least, in MY opinion. I still let the same old triggers get me down, but I am finally recognizing that I do have talents and personality traits that make me a pleasure to have around once in awhile. And I am better at saying "thank you" when I am complimented on any of them.

How does one get to that point? It's no secret. I just have to keep reminding myself that I must only strive for progress, not perfection.

And then there's that age thing.

Seriously, if you think about it, when we are young girls/teens, we are filled with self-esteem issues and self-doubt. We highly value what our friends think of us, what boys think of us, what everyone thinks of us. In our 20s and 30s we let the opinion of others define us, too, as we try to establish careers and perhaps a lifelong relationship. Everyone's out to judge us, aren't they?

By the time we are in our 40s, we don't necessarily "let ourselves go" or "give up." We just give up the notion that we shouldn't live our lives worrying about what others think of us. What you see is what you get.

Who cares if I am not a size 2? I am still hysterical and brilliant... plus I have a loving husband and family, a strong faith, good health, a job I enjoy, wonderful friendships -- and, with hubby's help, I can juggle three people's schedules and run a household and teen taxi service.

Judge that!

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