Monday, July 29, 2013

Depart-Mint of Corrections

I ran 3 miles today.

Not bragging. Just wanted to point that out before I confess my departure from the diet.

I mean really? Did they need to invent one more treat with Thin Mints? Like Thin Mints themselves and Thin Mint ice cream aren't enough? Wow.

My willpower failed me tonight. Actually, it didn't even show up to play. I saw this new candy bar at the store, grabbed it and put it on the checkout counter. In 1.4 seconds. No thinking allowed.

Mint Gods: 1, Diet Gods: 0.

Good thing tomorrow starts a new game! And good thing this new treat was not so irresistible I can't live without it. Not that I would turn it down if, say, it was a gift or something. I mean that would be just plain rude.

But I'll get back on track tomorrow. That's the yo-yo of living with fluff. But I have learned this and live by this: Don't beat yourself up over a treat. It is there for your enjoy-mint! Tomorrow, correct yourself. Just pay closer attention to portions -- and ignore the Girl Scouts.

I have done pretty well with this the last several months. It may sound like I have ice cream every day, but I don't. I let it be a treat instead of a staple in my diet. And I am trying to exercise in some form or fashion most days. Sometimes a run is good. Other times a walk around the neighborhood is fine. And still other times, I find lifting a spoon to my mouth works out the biceps and triceps pretty well.

It must be working somehow. I've shed a few pounds and am hoping to lose a few more. Just need that sense of commit-mint.

Er, commitment!

Uff da. I've got a ways to go.

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