Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Two-fer Tuesday

Don't let the fact that the first two sights you see in the morning – cat puke and fornicating cows – ruin your day. It can only get better, right?

Whew. Right.

This time.

Though work was its own form of Purgatory, the day got progressively better thanks to two treats.

First was a half-hour chair massage.

I pretty much live and breathe by this guy's weekly visits to our office. So many knots and kinks to get worked over, beaten on and pinched away. "You're carrying a lot of stress," he said. No kidding. He worked his magic, though, and I can now shrug my shoulders and move my neck back and forth and everything.

My second treat was book club.

Tonight we discussed our latest completed book: Lamb – The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal. This may be where the phrase LOL originated, because you are laughing out loud. A lot.

If you are open minded and willing to be offended, you will enjoy this funny and sarcastic telling of a story we all thought we knew. At times it's a little over the top. You look over your shoulder and make sure lightning isn't about to strike you dead. But if you get over that fear, you may enjoy it!

I skipped Carter's baseball game tonight (they won) but it sure was nice to have a cerebral Girls' Night Out. Not totally a brainy book discussion, since we laughed and talked off subject quite a bit. Of course, that's what makes it a club!

I should point out I actually had three treats today. Hostess Sharon's homemade key lime pie is a subcategory of the Book Club treat. But I must tell you it was scrumptious and deserves its own treat category!

Not bad for a day that started out a bit on the "ick" side.

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