Saturday, August 23, 2014

It's Not the Heat...

Is it possible to melt even if you are not a snowman AND it is the middle of summer? I think so.

The old timers used to complain, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity." I get their point now.

Even though today was not the 86 degrees predicted, the humidity was off the charts. When hubby (sitting in the comfort of the A/C) says: "I just don't feel like doing much today," who am I to fight the trend?

I should have shifted into relaxation mode right then and there. Instead, I figured I better get a run in. I'm not very smart.

It wasn't even sunny out, just foggy. In fact, while I was running/walking, I couldn't tell if it was raining, misting or the air was that thick with humidity. Either way, I gave the Wicked Witch of the West a run for her money. By the time I was back home, I was melting!!

Didn't take much convincing after that to lay low.

Got my chores done, went to the grocery store and the library and then was back home for the afternoon and evening with nothing on the agenda. Poor Carter had to work a split shift today while we did as little as possible.

I spent a few hours on the computer with a few fun (for me) design projects. I "should have" been working on all kinds of de-cluttering projects around the house, but really, I felt it was my wifely duty to follow Jim's lead.

I don't always listen to him, but today was a good day to start!

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