Saturday, May 2, 2015


Did you know that even though S.O.S. (in Morse Code) is the international signal of distress, the letters don't represent any actual words? True story. So I made up a few of my own... not that I have been distressed lately!

Source of Stress / Save Our Sanity: Today was the last day of Mom's "living estate / downsizing" sale of the century. Thank goodness! After nearly a year of focusing on this, we are ready to move on!! On a positive note, she got rid of a LOT of stuff – more than I expected. Another positive is that we got to visit with some family and friends we don't often see. And the biggest positive: it's OVER.

Sisters Over Sixty: My OLDER sisters have established an exclusive SOS club for "Sisters Over Sixty." I'm in no rush to join, but my sister Renell will be shortly, whether she likes it or not! Since we were all together, we figured we should toast her transition to the next age bracket!

The Packer chair and cushion are gifts (not from me, naturally) and the cake is courtesy of Mom, who felt the need to bake even though there were 658 other details to attend to this week! Is it a coincidence that the table sign in the background advertises ANTIQUES? You decide.

Sounds of State: Yesterday I missed Carter's birthday and today I missed his performances at State Solo & Ensembles. In our region, it was held nearby at UW-Stevens Point. Thankfully hubby was available to go and report back to me. He was quite impressed, he said. Turns out Carter "kicked brass" and got a first on his baritone/trumpet duet and a second on the brass ensemble. Nice work!

Scoop of Serenity: After the sale, we boxed up a majority of the leftovers for charity. I dropped off a load in St. Croix Falls at a place that closed at 4 p.m. Got there in time, then continued on my way home. Around 6 p.m. I exited off Highway 29 at Abbotsford. What could be better for supper than a scoop of Blueberry Waffle Cone flavored ice cream from the Hawkeye Dairy? The answer: Nothing! I think that and 8 hours of sleep will do the trick!

Searching Out Sandman!!

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