Monday, August 28, 2017


Everything I know about technology I've learned from the various information technology (I.T.) departments I've worked with. Basically, it can be summed up in two short sentences. "Turn it off. Turn it back on."

Sadly, that is usually what works. And I, the head of the Incompetent Techno-geek (also I.T.) department, could figure that one out.

Now I am crossing my fingers that works for our router, which just dropped the signal in the house while hubby was trying to access Internet on his laptop and I was uploading designed pages to DropBox.

Since I need to conserve the signal (is that even a thing??) for pressing deadlines, I'll have to log off the blog and log back on tomorrow. By then I will have a new experience under my belt, too.

Hint: It doesn't involve 4-H or food on a stick, but it does involve the fair.

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