Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tuesday or Winds-Day

It seems strange that the World Series players and fans are dealing with extreme heat and meanwhile, in central Wisconsin, we have a wind advisory AND a windchill! I don't even like typing that word.

If we could bottle up some of that California heat and ship it our way, that would be awesome. For now, I guess we'll just use the furnace.

At least the chill kept me indoors today and somewhat on task. I did finally get my closet organized and slightly de-cluttered. One bag for charity anyway. I started on my "oh my god" room (aka office) and hubby is pretty sure that will take me the rest of the week. I saw that as an excuse to relax a bit and take my time.

Didn't want to go outside but my boyfriend made me! Ha. He was a good sport even though we were walking against the 25-45 mph wind and his hair was flowing like Fabio. Buddy is definitely super model material!

Thanks to his energy, I did get my 10,000 steps today. And saved enough "work" on my to do list to last another day... or two or three.

And I don't know about you, but I got some killer gas mileage on my broom today!

Winning on Winds-Day.

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