Friday, May 18, 2018

Blame It On... Robyn

When you get a good chunk of your 10,000 steps from dancing... you know you've had a good day!

Tonight kicked off the Assumption Royal Event weekend. The country band Blame It On Waylon played and, even though I know very little country music, I danced. So that was fun.

It was a later night than we planned and that was my fault, says hubby. Because I twisted his arm to go "for an hour." Ha. That doesn't happen when we get around people we know!

Mr. College got home at 8:30 p.m. and it was nice that for once we had plans, too. He's home and gone already but I am hoping we will catch up on Sunday. I remember how quickly the "we have all summer" time frame can go!

For now, though, it's bedtime as us old folks have to sleep and leave for Royal Event and baseball in 8 hours! And suspect my legs will be hurtin' units

I'll blame that on Waylon!

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