Saturday, July 14, 2018

Is There a Doctor in the House?

Kind of felt like I was under house arrest today. Hubby was very good at playing doctor. As in making sure I stayed home and OFF my feet. That's hard when it's nice out and it's Saturday and there is nothing on the calendar and I could have gone out and about at my leisure. Sigh...

But, no. Someone has to be the smart one.

Based on the fact, I am the one wearing the boot, it's not me.

So after I did my chores, I basically parked myself at the computer and working on my Sweden scrapbook. I am going through Shutterfly and am about to start page 30... which is also Day 6. For real. And yes,  I'm a little concerned about the page limits!

I also don't know when I can dedicate a big chunk of hours to it again. Am traveling tomorrow and busy Monday night. I do have time to do a few more tonight. I'll share a few pages to keep myself inspired...

Obviously, you can't read the fine print, but I promise to show you when I'm done... probably about the same time I get rid of this boot.

If the good doctor in the house lets me.

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