Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Spice Wars

I know. Haters gonna hate, but when you wake up to temps in the 50s, it just feels like Pumpkin Spice weather. I mean fall. And I honestly wasn't even thinking like a Spice Girl until my nephew Tim sent me this "notice" here:

Funny guy, right? He knows I love my PS. It almost sounded like a challenge. And since I just happened to have a meeting later at a coffee shop, well...

PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte) #1! And no, I won't keep a running tab. But since the mercury's dropping to the 40s tonight, there may be a few more to count before we turn the calendar page.

The only Hot August Nights we're experiencing are due to my electric mattress pad. And my warm tummy filled with PSL. M-m-m...

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