Monday, August 12, 2019

Silver Linings and Such

Not sure if hubby is quoting a country song or a John Wayne movie, but when I stress about something and it goes my way, he often says "The Lord looks out for drunks and ne-er do-wells."

Does it matter which category I'm in? Not really. It's true though. But I like to think of it as finally finding that silver lining in the cloud!

Today a big cloud came out. And I stressed. It was one of those things that were sort of in my control, but not really.

We were scheduling a trip for work and I said I didn't have any conflicts this fall except for my sister weekend in late September. So it ended up that Oct. 1-3 worked the best. I don't know what calendar I was looking at, because I completely overlooked going to Hamilton... on Oct. 2! Oh no!

I've been waiting two years to go, knowing it was going on tour and coming to the Fox Cities in 2019. I bought season tickets in March just so I could be sure to get tickets for this show. Now what?

Although I try to have a work-life balance, I didn't want to miss the work thing since it's one of my video shoots and I should be there. And it was completely my fault that I overlooked my own personal event of the year on my calendar! So I looked at the performing arts center site and saw that people can do ticket exchanges.

And the deadline to exchange Hamilton tickets is... tomorrow! I guess silver lining #1 that this all came about today.

I checked with my friend who has tickets with me and she was thankfully available for all other days during the two weeks Hamilton is showing. Silver lining #2.

I managed to get on the website tonight and get those tickets exchanged for the Friday night show that same week, sitting in about the same spot – so no charge. I did not even have to pay for my idiocy! Silver lining #3.

Thank you, Lord. For looking out for this overbooked lost sheep!

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