Thursday, October 17, 2019

Home Alone... Or Am I?

To quote an '80s song: I always feel like somebody's watching me...

OK. Not always. But this was the feeling when I accidentally parked my car by a Halloween display in town tonight. Yikes.

Plus, I still get freaked out when I'm home alone. Especially for a few days.

Hubby was out of town for work this week and I had only the cat to keep me company. Granted, I was pretty busy in my non-work hours, but that sleeping alone business is a bit freaky. Even with the fan on for noise, I still hear creaky steps and thuds down the hall, which I assume is from the naughty princess jumping off the kitchen counter.

Well, I HOPE that's what it was.

Even in the night I thought I felt her tail thumping on my leg as she slept on Jim's side of the bed. But she doesn't sleep in our bed when her human is gone and she definitely wasn't there when I reached down to pet her. Yikes again.

Thankfully, hubby returns tonight. Well after midnight but still during my sleep cycle. Just have to brave it for a few hours and hope he doesn't startle me awake with cold hands. The freaky ghost dude pictured behind me will come to mind and the compulsion to scream may as well.

Maybe, since kitty's been so good this trip about pooping in the proper places and not puking, she'll be willing to lay in bed with me. Just 'til I fall asleep. Her purring sounds a bit like someone's snoring.

That and my electric mattress pad should keep the goose bumps at bay.

Sweet dreams, everyone!

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