Friday, December 13, 2019

A Wonder-Skol St. Lucia Day

Usually when we celebrate St. Lucia Day in our household, I play the role of the Scandinavian Goddess of Light and distribute gifts. This year, I got the surprise!

To be honest, with Carter off at college, I didn't help purchase and distribute any small gifts to mark the occasion. But I thought of it and mentioned the ancestral holiday a few times this week. Today, though, she was pre-empted by prep for a work potluck and an afternoon shopping trip of sorts to Appleton.

When we got home, it was dark already. But what to our wondering eyes should appear, but...

Not only a real live Christmas tree – but a purple one at that! If you recall that I shared a picture of Carter and I by a purple tree at our friends' tree lot over Thanksgiving weekend. This had to have come from that lot, but how did it get from there to our front deck? And who is responsible for spreading good jul?

I don't know. I left a message for our tree lot peeps and asked around. So far, we still don't know who our secret Santa (or secret St. Lucy) is, but we want to thank you!!

And wish you a wonder-SKOL St. Lucia Day!

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