Thursday, June 4, 2020

Biding Our Time

I need to be more like Sylvester. Just sit around biding my time, waiting for someone to walk by and scratch me behind my ears or that unreachable spot on my hind legs. If no one walks by, I'll just take a little nap, stretch, and finds a new spot to sit a spell. Worry-free.

Isn't that the life?

I'm proud to say I've finally gotten this relaxing business down during this quarantine time. Still, my patience needs a little work.

Nope, haven't heard anything about my car status yet. I was doing things today like telling hubby to bother the insurance lady while I Googled things like "how long does it take to get an insurance estimate?"

For the record, on average, it takes one to three business days after they hear from the body shop. Today, we just completed Day Two. So tomorrow, I may need to anchor myself to the floor with Sylvester until that phone rings.

She's definitely not losing any sleep over this. I could learn a lot from her.

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