Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The EN Drop Zone

There's all kinds of Drop Zones out there. Near the water hazard on the golf course. By the front of a school. In landing areas for pilots in the military – or skydiving companies. In the movie theaters with Wesley Snipes.

And, oh, in the Empty Nest on Blue Jay Drive. 

As I previously alluded to, our 23-year-old is not embarking on the adventure (somewhat misleading adventure) to the Big City. So, since he had to be out of his college house by today – and he's back at Square One job-search-wise – he had to drop some "stuff" off here.

Hubby had gone down with the pickup truck on Saturday to get the big and bulky items. And today, Carter came to the Empty Nest (EN) Drop Zone. No quite air-dropping. And he didn't use the drive-through – but it was close to that swift with his visit lasting just shy of the 3-hour mark. (In his defense, I was stuck in meetings in my office and Jim was wrapping up work before baseball practice.)

So his room is filled to the brim. "I can't believe much stuff I can accumulate after 3 years in college houses." And he has a few things to "live on" down by Platteville, where he's still going to be spending some special time with a special someone while diligently job searching.

On a positive note, I don't have an empty nest anymore! Not completely empty.

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