Friday, July 9, 2021

Picture Perfect -- Again

I've sorting through my thousands of vacation photos so that I save a good chunk of them for the scrapbook. Even if I don't use all the ones I'm saving now, I'll still share all those with my sister and co-adventurer Renell. 

Since I'm seeing her tomorrow though – for our family Christmas in July (basically since we haven't all seen each other since Deceomber of 2019) – I need to finish getting through them tonight. I'm on the last two days so I'm getting close. I also recognize that's it's almost 10 p.m. so I better get back to it.

Not to skip blogging two nights in a row due to pictures, I'm going to share some more of the absolutely gorgeous, no filter needed images from summer soltice – when we stayed up until midnight and the sun stayed up even longer!

It was the world's longest sunset and you'll see why it's a dilemma to narrow down photos for the scrapbook – from any day, location, or view on the trip! Enjoy...

We're smiling because the view is so gorgeous – and because staying up until midnight is a huge accomplishment!

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