Sunday, August 29, 2021

Water Under-Over the Bridge

I feel bad for all the areas of the United States dealing with drought-like conditions while we had another inch and a half of rain overnight. And now we are in a flood warning. And it shows.

Morning walk around Lake Wazeecha and the dam on the west end could hardly keep up.

Much of our walking path on the north side of the lake is under water. you can see the lake in the distance. About halfway between here (the road) and there is where the walking path (both paved and gravel) usually goes. How crazy!

And if you can see the item floating and actually stuck on the sand bar on the east end by the bridge, that's someone's dock.

And back at Blue Jay Drive... The usually low – and sometimes almost dry – Bloody Run Creek is inching into our back yard.

Hubby usually mows up to the row of trees. So that's a lot! Not enough to go fishing or skinny dipping. But more than usual. Probably means the mosquito population will triple in the coming days. Uff da.

August will have to do a March lion and lamb thing. August came in like a lamb and goes out like a Sea Lion.

Be careful out there!

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