Saturday, September 11, 2021

Stop and Remember

Been a busy bee the last few days. Well my camera's been busy anyway. After shooting middle school football Thursday, I did high school football last night up in Stevens Point, then up and at 'em today to get to the start of cross country at 9 a.m. at Standing Rock Park (just east of Plover).

Although I got well over 10,000 steps today hustling back and forth between places on the course and the finish line, I took time to stop and smell the flowers. Or at least capture a bee smelling (or doing something) to a flower.

After sorting through photos and then ensuring the Badgers had things in hand, I also took time to stop and remember.

Today is the 20th anniversary already of the September 11th tragedy. And tragedy still isn't a strong enough word. 

I was flipping back and forth between several shows tonight and again was struck by how surreal it was. How much we witnessed on live television. How many stories we've seen and heard about not only those who died, but survivors. One gentleman pointed out tonight that anyone who woke up on September 12, 2001, is a survivor. 

It's true. And we all have stories. And we all remember. 

Well those of us old enough to remember the day. Who watched the events unfold. And re-watched all day. Internet was somewhat in its infancy. We all just stayed glued to the TV, watching again and again as the plane flew into the tower and then how each tower crumbled to the ground. 

Ground Zero.

Working at a newspaper had a whole host of extra memories. Special editions. Two newspapers a day. And we still couldn't keep up with how much was being discovered those first few days – Trade Center, Pentagon, Flight 93 – and how it all tied together. So surreal.

And still is. 

Feeling blessed today. Hope you are, too!

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