Saturday, October 30, 2021

Keeping Pace

It was almost too nice of a day for state cross country. Seriously. Sunny and nearly 60. That's warm to run this event. Especially for a middle-aged photographer trying to run from spot to spot to get a good shot.

It got me steps. But it also got me hot and tired! 

After last year's extreme crowd-size limit plus dividing the meet up in three locations, it was actually nice to have it back in Rapids like one big happy family. If the family had thousands of members, that is.

Our Lady Royals finished 10th as a team. I hope they are holding their heads high because being a top 10 team in the state is a pretty, pretty big deal. If you ask this lifer cross country mom. I was proud of them for powering through the nerves and powering through a tough course. 

Since I was there, I got to shoot pictures of a few other runners, too. Grantsburg (where I have history and current family) had both a boys and girls team run today. That was cool. And the boys especially did well, finishing second. Was able to share some pictures of both teams on social media. And assigned some cousins to handle sharing them with the people runners' families.

By the time I got home and got done going through photos, I needed to not only sit, but give my hands a rest after several hours of clenching and unclenching the camera and then the computer mouse.

So yes, I did sit on the recliner and watch one of the new Hallmark Christmas movies. I had pumpkin spice coffee for breakfast so that makes up for DVRing and watching Christmas love unfold in October. I promise tomorrow will be all about pumpkins and candy. Or just the proper seasonal coffee drink if my legs hurt from running today and I need to relax!

Note to self: Never try to keep pace with kids half your age. Make that a third. Uff da. What was I thinking?!

Great job, runners!

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