Sunday, February 20, 2022

Cabin Fever

There's two cures for cabin fever. One is spring-like weather. I mean Sunday really was SUNday today!

Loved taking a walk with my neighbor and just having to wear a sweatshirt this afternoon! Even opened the bedroom windows a bit. (Yes, we do things like that in Wisconsin.) I was actually motivated to do cleaning and laundry and our taxes. 

Whoa. Slow down, girl. Save some for the rest of the week!

The second cure for cabin fever is a night in a cabin with your girlfriends – off the grid. Had a great "slumber party" at my friend Brenda's cabin last night. It's seriously off the grid with little cell service, about two counties over from here.

And that was perfect. A wonderfully fun night visiting and playing games and laughing until the wee hours of the morning. Not kidding about that, either. But I think coffee and our laughter fueled me today, too.

Until about now.  Pretty wiped out. Not sure how long I'll last until it's legal to declare it bedtime. All that fresh air is like a sleeping potion and cabin fever cure in one. Hope it comes back to visit again soon!

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