Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Current State of Things

 I figured for my future self (and scrapbooks) I should provide a current state of affairs these days.

Russia has invaded Ukraine and the world is shaken up. And gases prices are, too. Up and up.

For my historical archives: On Feb. 24, 2022, Russia began a military invasion of Ukraine, in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict that had begun in 2014. It is the largest military conflict in Europe since World War II. 

So that's on record. 

Now the fun stuff ...

Less than a week from calendar-official spring and we have a melting season going on in the Midwest. I don't mind it at all.

And neither does Sylvester. If it's warm enough for us to open a window, it's warm enough for her to sunbathe a bit. But she didn't last long. Still doesn't compare (yet) to the warmth of her heated bathroom floor. Yes, hers. She spends more time in there than Jim and I combined – for the last 20 years we've lived here!

Also happening now...

Flowers are blooming... somewhere, not here. But they have them at grocery stores and floral shops. And if you have a nice friend, they'll drop them by as a surprise. Because we have awesome friends. No matter the season or occasion or non-occasion. Thank you!

The other flowers on my mind are these lovely mint roses. I watched my mom make mints as a child, then she taught me how, and now I am making them for my mom's 90th birthday party. So I have some spring pastel ones – yellow and pink above, and lavender and white below. 

See how I wisely kept the purple and yellow ones in separate pans? No need to start a family ruckus before the wonder-SKOL day.

Also, my current state of things includes me marking Day 741 out of the office. Don't have definitive word on when we're going back this spring or whenever. But when we do, you can bet that will be on the calendar.

In Jim's handwriting.

C'mon, you know he and Sylvester will miss me. At least one of them will enjoy fewer interruptions to nap time. This is where I let you guess which one.

In the meantime... Don't forget to fill out your bracket! 

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