Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Caught a Bug?

Stupid Stink Bugs are invading the house again! They aren't the only ones. I think cold and flu bugs are going around, too. And, for this girl, spring allergies.

I don't get them every year – just the ones where there are extreme temperatures changes like, oh say, this past weekend. Several hours outside on Saturday and Sunday when it was in the 60s. Then drops like a dead bug down to the 20s and 30s. Eww. That is gross, isn't it?

So I've had the dry, scratchy throat that always reminds me of strep. But was quickly followed by the pesky cough and my favorite – stinging, water eyes. 

Still like this bug better than a stink bug. Just wish the anti-allergy meds didn't make me feel out of it. Yes, I take the daytime, non-drowsy ones, but I still feel like I'm walking around with my head floating above me like a helium balloon.

Again, I still love spring better than winter. Come what may.

Speaking of May... Just 4 days away and I was wearing my winter coat and hat shooting some pictures of Lincoln High School baseball tonight. So not spring-like. I'll back for another game on a nicer day. Mainly because I was there to photograph two players and one was there and the other one forgot his uniform. 

I guess I'm not the only one out of it.

Be careful out there!

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