Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Hap-Bee Hump Day

Someone in my family thought I might appreciate this sign! I won't name names but... she was born 9 minutes after me! I'm kidding. She saw it said she wouldn't dream of putting a bee in my bonnet, so to speak, by buying this for me.

And I'm not quite over it.

My right ankle is still a bit swollen but not as bad as Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. And thank the good lord – all of your suggestions – I can finally sleep at night! What did the trick?

Honestly, I'm not sure. I think a combination of my "Sting Operation" here!

On day 2, finding the lidocaine helped some and slathering the heck out of my lower leg with good old anti-itching cream. My cousin had a suggestion about marking my sting with an X and slapping it. I think that actually popped the stinger out. Is that not weird? Something came off anyway. Then I applied the other stuff. And kept applying it. And kept applying it.

For days on end, it seems.

Today we're down to morning and afternoon anti-itching cream. And we're good.

Pretty sure I'm done with outdoor chores for the summer. Mr. Deck Chair was chastising me, reminding me that I don't get stung (or see snakes) when I'm hanging out with him. Thank goodness, he talked some sense into me with half the summer still remaining!

Bee careful out there!

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