Saturday, November 5, 2022

Turn Back the Clocks -- If Only

Fitting that we turn back the clocks tonight when I've been trying to turn back time all day.

Drove up to Marinette this morning for my friend Cindy's memorial service. Saw this sign as soon as I walked into the funeral home. Spot on. That's what's been going through my mind all week – treasured memories of a friendship I treasured.

Not gonna lie. It was a tough day. While it was great to see her family and my friend Sally, it was heartbreaking knowing the reason. Definitely had some body-shaking sobs left in me. That's where good hugs get you! But it feels good when someone's there to hold you up. 

At least there were some laughs in there. It was a celebration of life, after all. And what Cin would've wanted...

What a perfectly selected poem for her. We'll work on that.

After the service and my goodbyes, I went by the old newspaper office where Cindy and I first met 32 years ago. The Menominee newspaper merged with Marinette's five or so years later. So now our old office building is just a retail space of some sort.

But it holds a ton of memories, including getting hit by a car while sitting outside on a bench in front. They don't have a bench there anymore! I'm pretty sure I've shared this story before. If not, I will on a different day. But that's the time I saved Cindy's life by pushing her out of the way and taking the hit. Guess we were bonded for life after that.

Swung by my lighthouse down the street. It was cold and rainy and windy so I didn't walk all the way out. Plus I needed to get back to Rapids for a wedding for the son of hubby's cousin.

I texted Jim: "If I go straight there, I'll be late. If I stop home first to see how you're doing, I'll be really late." Even though he was on his own all day, he was fine with letting me bypass the house. Despite a super windy drive back and an unexpected detour thanks to an accident, I did manage to sit down at The Ridges in time to eat dinner with my family. Missed the wedding ceremony but was able to visit with my in-laws, nephew and his family, and plenty of other relatives on the Austin side.

It sort of brought the day full circle as far as emotions go. Quite the rollercoaster. But I'm grateful each segment of that full circle included love and at least a little laughter.

Treasure your loved ones! 

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