Thursday, March 9, 2023

So Taxing

I love when I overestimate my ability and underestimate the time it takes to compensate for lack of that ability.

In other words, I volunteered to do our boy's taxes. I mean what could be so hard about easy or EZ filing? Ugh.

Actually filing the federal part electronically was easy. And I did it for free. Bonus. But for some reason filing his Wisconsin ones electronically would not work on my computer. They kept alluding to some "submit" button that never appeared on the form.

So after a wasted hour of trying and resaving and reloading and ... reminding myself why I'm a writer, not a tax-istician, I gave up, printed it out and will mail it in.

At least Carter should get his federal refund sometime soon. They head to their new home in North Carolina tomorrow and it would be nice if they could buy a bed and kitchen table or at least one chair right away.

From now on, I best stick in my non-taxing lane... writing, photography, crocheting and trifles!

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