Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Sky is Falling! Or is it?

We had a bit of a Chicken Little freakout moment when we arrived in the office today for the first time since Thursday. I guess a lot can happen in that span of time – including a leaky pipe somewhere that results in very soggy and saggy ceiling tiles.

Was the sky falling?! We were more than a little concerned the leaky tile on the right was about to burst with a gushing waterfall. But when our maintenance folks arrived on the scene, they determined it was soaked but there was no more water leaking.

As I videoed them poking a hole in the tile and nothing burst on the scene but soggy particles, I told the guys, "This doesn't make very compelling video!" It sure didn't. But after expecting the worst, I'm also glad there wasn't a huge mess.

Made me think of how many times I'm more like Chicken Little and wondering if the sky is going to fall rather than realistically looking at a situation and seeing it's not as bad as it appears. 

Nine out of 10 times I stress first, then take a deep breath and assess second. This is when hubby says I'm being dramatic. Guilty as charged. 

Lord, help us to trust that You have our best interests at heart. That not every perceived mountain is much more than a mole hill. Pour out Your calming spirit on all of us and restore our trust in You! Amen.

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