Tuesday, August 15, 2023

What the Hic?

I'm not sure what happened. I had a normal day of work followed by a family photo shoot. Nothing was out of the ordinary until hubby arrives home and I can't stop hiccuping. 

Thankfully it didn't happen during an important lunch meeting today or even the photo session. Who knows what they would think? But since it came on when Jim was home, I asked him for any possible cure.

He said: "Don't talk for 2 weeks."

Oh ha. Funny guy. 

So I am trying not to speak (which everyone will appreciate) but also concentrate on some photos, listening to an audio book, and reciting what state capitals I know. I know. That's a bit extreme. 

But guess what? Not only does that distraction technique work, but confirms there's a lot I have forgotten since the 4th-grade geography bee at Oak Hill Elementary. Gosh darn Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Most others, I'm happy to say I new and would make Mr. Larson proud.

Other distractions tonight included worrying about volatile weather situations on both coasts – the heat where Casey is in Portland and the flash flood warnings in Raleigh where Carter is. Thank you, Lord, for keeping us all safe tonight.

And thanks for the hiccups that distracted me from worrying.

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