Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Fake Spring No. 6

We keep having these fake springs and I swear I'll fall for it one of these times. But all of in the Midwest know the other snow-shoe is going to drop at some point. Still, we are tempted to believe!

While our thermometers tried valiantly to set a record today, it was not to be. Fell short by 2 degrees here in Rapids. Don't beat yourself up little mercury molecules – you tried your hardest!

It'll plunge back to normal March vibes tomorrow but it sure was nice coming home and having windows open to usher in that Fake Spring air!

The Kids and I worked up a sweat hauling some stuff from the garage down to the basement after work. Funny how the basement felt "cold" before we started! 

Be patient. According to the calendar, the Spring Fakers might be gone next Tuesday. I mean one of these times it HAS to be Real Spring. Right?

I won't hold my breath. But I will keep breathing in this nice fresh air for a few more hours!

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