Thursday, April 25, 2024

Not The Weaker Sex

There's a couple of things I've realized in the last 3 weeks. The most important one being that women are stronger than we think. Not sure how my sister or my mom keep trudging forward, but they are both the type of strong woman I hope to be.

It was by pure coincidence that our April (the longest month of my family's life) book club book was The Women by Kristin Hannah.

I'll admit that everything I've learned about the Vietnam War was from Robin Williams' Good Morning, Vietnam and Tom Hanks' Forrest Gump movie. It's sad but as a high school student in the early '80s, when they went through American History, I'm pretty sure they ran out of time at the end of the school year and  crammed in the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, and Korea in one week.

And even though I've watched a ton of M*A*S*H episodes, I didn't equate it to the fact women were also serving in the Vietnam War – mostly as the crucial role of nurses.

What an eye-opening and really, really well-written book. Across the board, we almost all gave it a 5 out of 5 rating. 

You know I don't go on and on about particular books much (since I read a ton), but this one is worth a read. Is it long? Yes. Was the war long? Yes and then some. I personally got a chance to listen to the audio book and was engrossed from the beginning. Reading a handheld book (or device) will likely get you in the same position.

When I see servicemen wearing their caps or jackets, I always thank them for their service. But nurses in Vietnam? I haven't seen your badge of honor. First of all, you deserve it. Secondly, thank you so much! 

This book (and life) is a great reminder we all deserve praise for our accomplishments and service, and support for our struggles and unearned uphill battles.

Just so glad I have the support today of my sisterhood – birth sisters and "adopted" ones. Love you all! Let's keep moving forward!

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