Thursday, February 20, 2025

Every Layer is Packed


If I sleep fast tonight, scrapbooking camp will be here before I know it! And I am ready. I have everything packed and even whipped together a Chocolate-Peanut Butter Trifle to bring along.

I took a break from packing and went to the first half of the girls basketball game. It was senior night so I wanted to watch at least some of the game against Stratford. We also had two girls reach 1,000 career points tonight. This team (this No. 1 ranked team) is on fire! Perfect timing going into the playoffs.

Got home and got a few pictures edited but the rest will have to wait. I need decent sleep tonight since I'll get very little the next 3 nights. But you won't hear me complain about that!

Also, hubby is home from his brief trip so I better talk to him before we're separated again for a few days. And keep an eye on him and that trifle. It looks too good to ignore!

Sweat dreams!

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