Thursday, August 20, 2009


I'm getting home past my bedtime again so of course I'm not up for any creative writing! So here's just a few things I observed today...

  • The rhythmic dripping of rain in a bucket can lull you to sleep. Not a good thing at work! When will they fix that leaky roof?

After reading the book The Everything Guide to Writing a Novel, I can no longer read one for fun! I'm ready to edit and critique it and see if or how it conforms to the guide's suggestions. I guess it's time I quit reading books and just start writing one. (I do have some ideas.)

  • When my son earns the nickname Lover Boy at Kidz Camp, you gotta wonder how much school work is going to get done in sixth grade.

God did not want me to win that big Powerball jackpot because He knew I couldn't handle it. I'm pretty sure he has some faith I could deal with a dismal $2 million.

  • The only thing hot about this hot August night is my electric mattress pad. Looks like sweatshirt weather on Friday. B-r-r.

It is possible for a person to be very self-confident yet have low self-esteem. Don't ask me how. It just is.

  • If my list of people I am praying for keeps growing, it's a sign I'm the one with a blessed life -- and it's time I express some gratitude for it.

If I want to get close to 8 hours of sleep tonight, I need to sign off... Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, we didn't win either. I do think that amount would have been wayyy too much. That changes people drastically whether they think it would or not. You would always have people hounding you for money and I would never feel safe to be at home. People do such outrageous and dangerous acts now-a-days to get their hand on money or something they could sell. I wish this comment thing had spell check so I wouldn't have to keep correcting my early morning typing. Thanks for the many other good observations too. Love, Lene