Thursday, October 7, 2010

Deja Vu All Over again

There's a lot of things the Yankees do pretty well -- pitching, hitting and, oh yes, don't forget... squashing the Twins' hopes and dreams.

Have I written this before? It sure seams like I've lived through these exact same playoff games before.

Actually, close to it. We have this great history with the Yankees in the post-season where the Twins get up on top, get the fans all excited about the possibilities. Then oh, about 10:20 p.m. they blow their lead and the game. Then the next day, in an afternoon outing, they repeat. They are sort of like shampoo but instead of "rinse & repeat." It's "taste defeat & repeat." They better clean up their act. This is not as fun as it's supposed to be!

Oh well, if that is honestly the worst thing I have to worry about today, then we're doing OK, aren't we?

It did start out to be a bit of a stressful day. I'm wondering from you other parents out there at what age we can start charging our kids mileage for those "extra" trips we have to make when they forget things at school or, in the case today, at home?

Today was team picture day and even though Daddy set out Carter's soccer uniform last night and filled out the picture form and wrote out a check, Carter remembered on the way into town this morning that he forgot his uniform at home.

I had to get to the chiropractor for a 7 a.m. appointment so we were being nice and giving Carter a ride to school. When he mentioned the forgotten uniform, we were on our way and Daddy said he's drop me off first then they could head back home and get the uniform, then come back into town and get me before dropping Carter off at school. I think we could have just turned around when he told us and that would have saved time. But I see Daddy's strategy -- the longer the ride, the more time Carter has to think about his irresponsibility. If this wasn't a team photo that other parents were paying for, too, we probably would have said, "Tough." But I'm a little inexperienced in the tough love department.

Perhaps someone should apply some tough love to my Twins! The long ride in the car seemed to help Carter think. Maybe the Twins should drive out to New York!


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