Sunday, January 2, 2011

Many Happy Returns

They say all good things must come to an end. And so it is with our Christmas vacations. Hubby and I return to work Monday after more days off than I dare say and Carter returns to school after 10 or so days off.

It was wonderful! It was just nice relaxing but still getting a few projects done. And it was great to see family and friends, too.

The good news is that we are ready to go back. Call it the ADD in me, but I need some structure and busy-ness back before I turn into a slug. Not that I would mind being a scrapbooking slug, but a person doesn't get paid for that. Plus, I realize that "work" didn't come to a halt while I was gone, so I have plenty to do to catch up. It's best to get back at it!

Carter enjoyed his last day off having his friend over. Carter had to acolyte at 10:30 church so Harry and I sat up front with him. They behaved very well and did not sit and talk about football or giggle about girls!

Came home and had lunch and those 2 headed for the basement, where they simultaneously played Monopoly and watched the Drumline movie. Had to squeeze in as much last-minute fun as they could, I guess! I took Harry home in the mid-afternoon, about the time the Vikings were wrapping up another loss. I shouldn't admit that I wasted 3 hours on my last day off watching that debacle!

The rest of the day was spent wrapping up loose ends, so to speak, and getting prepared for the week ahead. Carter is playing his baritone while I type this so he can claim that he practiced over break. I just got off the treadmill so I can claim I've done something since New Year's. We're a pair, alright!

Now it's getting to bed early and setting an alarm for the first time in ages. Oooh, a cold, dark, early morning awaits... Yay.

I guess.

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