Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday Happens

I have learned that no matter what day your week starts, it still has all the elements of a Monday.

It was nice after a relaxing Monday off to have a delayed start to the work week. Only because Friday is one day closer. Other than that, it had all the makings of a typical Monday today. Digging out from what work magically piles up over the weekend and answering to every person who couldn't get ahold of you on your day off.

And I wouldn't have wanted it any differently.

I normally can cope with a Tuesday with a healthy dose of Glee at the end of the day. Tonight, however, was a repeat plus I had some work that needed finishing up. But that was OK. I still found an effective way to cope with my "Monday" stress. A friend stopped over and we chilled out in the hot tub awhile. Well, the air temp was chilly, but the water was nice!

Later, I found I still had a little bit of Peppermint ice cream left, so that was an unexpected bonus. That doesn't happen every day!

Well, actually, around here, it does. A freezer without ice cream would be like a week without a "Monday."

It just doesn't happen!

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