Monday, March 7, 2011

How to Eat Fried Worms

Funny how names of certain books from childhood can still stick with you years (and years) later. I recall the Little House books, of course, but I also know I was a fan of Encyclopedia Brown, Harriet the Spy, any Judy Blume book and, for some reason, a book called How to Eat Fried Worms.

In the book, the main character, Billy F., has a problem vomiting on the spot and wonders how he'll get along in a new school where they are taunting him with worms. Hmm, sounds like a boy I know who seems to faint on the spot -- at his new school! Thankfully no worm taunting (before today).

Carter has read the book and even enjoyed the movie about it, released about 5 years ago. That must have been before he turned squeamish on us!

Last Friday, he came home from school and announced that Monday (today) they would be dissecting earthworms in Science class. "And guess what's for lunch on Monday, Mom? Spaghetti!" (Who checks the lunch menu ahead anyway??)

If you think he didn't think about that all weekend, then you don't know Carter. Though he says now he was not the least concerned.


I told him the whole menu option was just a coincidence but I wondered secretly if the Science teacher is in evil cahoots with the lunch lady!

Needless to say, I was fully expecting a call from school at some point today. Based on recent history, that is, not because I didn't have faith in my "Man up!" speech this morning. I was pleasantly surprised and relieved not to hear from Carter until he was home after school. Yay, he survived.

I asked how he managed to choke down his lunch OK. "I just didn't look at it," he said, but quickly added, "I'm just kidding. I wasn't that nervous."

I felt like saying, "Maybe not. But you're the one who brought it up 3 days beforehand!" But I didn't say that. I just said good job .... and bypassed the container of leftover spaghetti in our fridge tonight and opted for pork chops.

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