Thursday, August 11, 2011

No Pain, No Gain

It's always an interesting wake-up call when those of us who think we are somewhat healthy and active try something new and we definitely pay for it the next day. Sometimes two days.

I have not heard as much moaning and groaning from Carter in his life as I have the last two mornings after football camp. And this is just a 90-minute "fun" camp to learn some drills. Practice won't start until the 22nd!

Still, he's using different muscles than what he uses in his regular workout of sitting on couch, lifting remote, exerting pressure with his right thumb and changing channels.

Actually, he's been more active than that, thanks to his time in the Adventures in Leadership program in Iola. He gets to swim most days, he's biked some and even went kayaking. He loved that! Even after developing a wicked blister on each thumb, he insists we need to get a kayak!

He may just save his money and get one. He cashed in his first bags of cans last week and got a total of $11 for approximately 2-3 months' effort. He did the math -- and he's good at math -- and realized he'll probably be 20 years old before he earns enough money for a go-kart. "I might as well save my money for a car instead!"

Yep, that's a different kind of pain, son. Perhaps your new workout regimen can include pinching pennies.

It's a lot harder than it sounds, trust me.

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