Friday, August 5, 2011

T.G.I.F. (Thank Golf it's Friday)

Remember what I said the other day about having a Plan B? Well our golf got rained out on Tuesday and we wisely rescheduled for today -- and it was perfect!

We hit the road by 8 a.m. to go to Green Bay. Carter actually got up before we left because his left eye was sort of red and a bit swollen. I suspected he might have gotten some pollen in there last night when we were golfing. It didn't seem all gummied up like Pink Eye would be, so I gave him a few eye drops and told him, just in case, to not touch it all day if he could help it. And wash his hands as often as possible.

Naturally, we'd check in on him via phone throughout the day, too. He said it hadn't gotten any worse and that he'd given himself more eye drops. So we sort of put that out of our minds and had fun golfing with our friends Scott and Sandy.

The course today was the Brown County Golf Course. It was a really nice course and we had some fun pitting the boys against the girls. Yes, the girls won. Did you doubt it? Yes, they had to spot us strokes since I am a terrible player and we needed to even it up a bit. But that doesn't take away from the sweet taste of victory!

We did luck out and have perfect weather -- low 80s with enough clouds to keep it bearable. Plus not nearly as muggy as it has been. Made for a great day.

Afterwards we went back to their place for supper then headed back to Rapids by 7 p.m. For some reason the car insisted on stopping at King Cone, but then we got straight home.

Carter's eye definitely does not look any better and I am much more inclined to think it might be Pink Eye. So we'll have to bring him somewhere tomorrow if he wakes up and it's no better. This also will postpone another eye appointment to try those contacts again, too. But let's worry about one thing at a time.

Daddy and Mommy need to rub lotion on our pink skin. And Carter needs to not rub anything!

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