Sunday, December 4, 2011

Mary, Did You Know?

Mary, did you know... that your baby boy will one day rule the nations?

Are you ready for Christmas? Depends on what you mean by ready. Am I anticipating it? Yes. Am I prepared for it? No.

And I am not alone in this.

Tonight I was among several dozen women who enjoyed an Advent by Candlelight service at my friend Jenny's church in town. Through special readings & scripture, prayer, singing and dessert (Lutheran tradition calls for coffee and dessert, you know), we discussed how we can be ready for Christmas with our Greetings, Goodies and Gifts.

Basically -- and we've heard this before -- we need to slow down and take a moment to remember that Jesus is the reason for the season... Not Black Friday deals or overzealous light displays and everything in between.

It all started with Mary.

Do you honestly think that when she gave birth in a stable that someday the anniversary of the event would evolve into the madness it is today? One of my favorite Christmas songs is "Mary, Did You Know?" Like all mothers, this woman probably just wanted to give birth to a healthy baby. Although she had an inkling how special He would be, I don't think she knew the extent.

And it probably didn't matter. Just like I love my son with all my heart -- and I don't know and don't care if he will be a doctor saving lives some day or crunching numbers for a low-paying nonprofit. I just love him because he brings me joy.

In our candlelight service, we were reminded of this and encouraged to share the real Christmas story in our greetings (cards and letters), our goodies (treats we find in scripture and song) and our gifts (giving of our hearts and time).

I sat there feeling a little bit guilty knowing I have done my share of shopping for material gifts already and spend several hours today -- while watching another Viking loss -- prepping Christmas cards and letters (with little focus on Jesus) for mailing.

I hope the thought counts for something. And it's not too late to keep sharing here either.

Let's do what we can to be ready.


Writer Rahn said...

Another thought-provoking post, my friend. I really appreciate you taking the time to write your thoughts and experiences.

Robyn Austin said...

Thanks, Tone! I always appreciate your honest feedback (when it's good)! Love ya.