Thursday, April 12, 2012

So I Says to the Tree: Hey, Bud

What? You don't like my springtime humor? I thought of that today when I saw this really strange reddish-pink bud on a tree in our backyard. So I grabbed the camera and captured some "spring" for you...
Hey Bud, you're pretty!
Not as pretty as kitty, though! She LOVES her sunshine!

So glad the Daddy Cardinal decided to eat. The not so pretty Momma has been hogging the food and I have had my camera waiting for HIS turn!

Our yard looks just dandy!
Some version of a violet poking through the wooden steps out back.
Love the veins shooting out Viking purple!

Even these pretty white violets are wishing they were purple!
As long as I was out, I had to steal a peek -- and a photo -- of the neighbor's "pretty in pink" tree! I just love the colors of spring!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures Loving Sister.