Saturday, May 12, 2012

Weekend Warriors

I'm exhausted just thinking about everything we did today! Other than sleeping in 'til 8 a.m., there wasn't much down time. Most minutes were filled... and it was fun.

Today is the annual American Cancer Society Walk in Luck.For the last few years, my mother has gotten involved with this and made it her mission to raise awareness -- and money. A lot of it. Last year, she was the third-highest individual donor/fundraiser. This year, at age 80, she was the top donor -- raising $3,087 -- plus she walked it with 5 of my siblings and 2 grandkids. Awesome!

Since I couldn't join her physically, we all took a walk this morning. Hubby drove over to the lake and walked around it before joining us at the ballpark -- after Carter and I walked there. It was sort of a "virtual walk" with Mom!

We were at the ballpark to watch softball, not baseball. It was the Royal Rumble Tournament so I got my daughter fix and watch my girl Brittney play. After the first game, we came home, dropped Carter off and, in 90 minutes or less: Went grocery shopping, stopped at a benefit fundraiser for a neighbor, came home, cut Jim's hair, then headed back to the ballpark for another game.

That was exciting to watch. The Assumption girls were down 7-2 against Barneveld and rallied at the end to win it 8-7. Good stuff!

Came home just long enough to change out of Royal Blue and into purple and orange and our Reffner #44 t-shirts. Plus, even though it had been a gorgeous day, we wisely changed into pants and grabbed sweatshirts and jackets and blankets. Good call. It got chilly fast.

Jim and I went to Marshfield to watch Colin race while Carter stayed home and went golfing with a friend. It started out as a good night of racing. Colin took fast time in qualifying, then finished 3rd in the heat race. During the feature, we couldn't understand why he didn't seem to be running well. Turns out his right-front tire was nearly flat for half the race. So he finished 8th and thankfully no harm came to the car.

We got home after 11 and I am grateful for my dear son, who not only left the yard light on for us, but also turned on my electric mattress pad! What an awesome kid! I have him trained so well.

Now I'll get to bed just in time for Mother's Day. Yay, me!

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