Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Spoiler Alerts

In this day and age, I figure there are 3 main ways to follow the Olympics -- without being there, that is.

1) If you can spare the time, you can either watch it live on TV or the Internet all hours of the day and night.
2) You can check for results (spoiler alerts) on the Internet throughout the day.
3) You can watch the tape-delayed version on TV at night and pretend it's live.

My initial plan is always to stay up with Bob Costas and live out the suspense like it's real time. Don't tell me who did what. I want to see for myself. Well, the first day of the Olympics (Saturday) I come into the house and announce to hubby I want to watch the Olympics later to see Michael Phelps race. "He didn't even medal," Jim replies.

Ugh! "I didn't want to know!" I said.

He kept his mouth shut the rest of the weekend, but I really only had time for the Costas review at night anyway.

Now it's the weekday decisions. I have learned from past Olympics that they will drag that drama out 'til 11 p.m. -- 90 minutes past my bedtime and I get tired after a few nights of that. In an effort to avoid the staying up too late on a "school night," I cheat.

I glance at the results during the day and determine if I should stay up to watch the Olympics. Last night, for example, knowing the men's gymnastics team had an epic fail, I didn't bother. Doesn't make me a fair-weather fan, just an informed one, right? Tonight for example, I KNOW (without saying anything more) that there is A LOT I want to see. So I'm blogging early so I can couch potato it for the evening.

Maybe you should, too. I can guarantee you it will be worth it!

I just can't tell you why.


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